Why books?!

Why is it easier to start writing some random ramblings than it is to pick up a book? It's not for lack of skill, I know I read plenty of books in my younger years. Not even that long ago, reading a book seemed like a possible prospect. Now it's more of a daunting project or even worse: a chore that I just know I'll never get around to finish. So why start at all?

Why do I even let it bother me so much? Does the idea of reading something appeal more than actually reading it? Why do I feel so compelled to read stuff when I've clearly made my mind up to not do so and distract myself with other things? I wish I could just firmly decide which side of the fence my brain should land on already. Either don't read books and don't bother thinking about what I'm missing out on. Or, do read them... stupid brain.

I think part of the problem is a fondness of reading books in the past. I know they used to hold a sort of spell on me where I couldn't put them down. This would mostly apply to fiction in my case. The books on my ever growing “to read” list nowadays is usually something “deep, useful, and real” or whatever. I guess they probably are all those things, but it's like I know I'm not going to be as drawn into a world of facts the same way.

Another part of the puzzle is probably the romanticization of “reading a book” these days (just like that of traveling). I hear all the time that “our attention spans have shortened”, but has it? I do agree that information is more readily available nowadays, and that coupled with personalized data streams of varying quality means it places a fairly large filtration burden on your average modern human. But does this mean we're screwed over by our own data production and availability?... I don't think so. Learning and adapting is supposed to be one of our strengths. What I do believe in however is that it's very easy to learn an unhealthy pattern of behaviour, and subsequently stick to it. What puzzles me is that even though I know things are bad for me, why do I even do them? And it's not even like a drug that releases endorphins immediately, but it's just something as simple as “not doing the hard things today”. Why should that be my undoing? Also, it feels more like a robbery than something I had any agency over, someone came into my brain and stole the piece of it that let me appreciate a “job well done”... put that back! How am I supposed to motivate myself to do the right things when doing them no longer seem to have any effect on me huh?! (shakes fist at imaginary thief).

Now just before I forget to list them out, as if to prove my existence to myself a little harder. I like the following things:

I've got this collection...

I've managed to scrape together a banger collection of books that my corpse should absolutely read through. The books are... how do I put it... classics mixed with highly recommended books most readers consider “worth it” (like sapiens by Harari). I made the list thinking they would most definitely make me a better person. But then there's just the act of reading all those words... I even did start on some of these books too! and I even appreciate the pieces that I did manage to read greatly! read more!... read more? ah... you're done now? ok!


Wacky words by
